Mysuru district has received 38.7 mm of rainfall during July as against a normal rainfall of 121 mm.— Photo: M.A. Sriram
The district and surrounding regions have received deficient rainfall during July with the departure ranging from -50 per cent to -70 per cent.
While Mysuru district has received 38.7 mm of rainfall during July as against a normal rainfall of 121 mm, Chamarajanagar has received 14.7 mm of rainfall as against the normal of 54.4 mm, and Mandya district has received 16.5 mm as against the normal of 51 mm of rainfall.
Though the region had a good spell of monsoon during June with Mysuru receiving 162.5 mm of rainfall as against the normal of 89.1 mm, the excess has been neutralised by prolonged dry spell and the cumulative average for the period from June to July for Mysuru district is 201.2 mm as against the normal of 201.1 mm with a departure from normal being -4 per cent.
The deficiency has been uniform across the district, and all the seven taluks of Mysuru have been categorised under either deficient or scanty category. According to the district rainfall data from the Karnataka State Natural Disaster Monitoring Centre, H.D.Kote taluk where irrigation is fully under rain-fed conditions has received 49.6 mm of rainfall in the period between July 1 and July 30 as against the normal of 201.4 mm, the departure being -74 per cent.
Similarly, Hunsur taluk has received 50.9 mm of rainfall as against the normal of 104.8 mm while K.R. Nagar received 23.1 mm rainfall as against the normal of 79 mm.
Mysuru taluk has received 23.6 mm of rainfall as against the normal of 76.6 mm while Nanjangud has received 24.4 mm of rainfall as against the normal of 78.6 mm.
Periyapatna registered 63.7 mm of rainfall as against the normal of 161.9 mm while T. Narsipur received 19.4 mm of rainfall as against the normal of 57..5 mm of rainfall.
This follows a similar pattern across the State and the Karnataka State Natural Disaster Monitoring Centre data indicates that between June 1 and July 22, 2015, 310 hoblis across the State were under the deficit category while 62 fell under the scanty category. However, 92 hoblis were categorised under excess, and another 282 hoblis came under the normal category during the same period.
Meanwhile, the water level at KRS was 107.28 ft on Thursday as against the full reservoir level of 124.80 ft. The reservoir level was 114 ft during the corresponding period last year. While the gross storage of the reservoir of 49.45 tmcft, it was 29.08 tmcft on July 30 as against 35.94 tmcft last year.
The water level at the Kabini reservoir on Thursday was 2282.51 ft as against the full reservoir level of 2,284 ft while it was 2,857.15 feet at Harangi as against the full reservoir level of 2,859 ft.
The reservoir level at Hemavathi was 2,913.91 ft as against the full reservoir level of 2,922 ft.