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May 11, 2017

Monsoon may hit Karnataka by May 29, says KSNDMC

BENGALURU: In some cheer for the drought-hit state that has been looking skywards for rains, monsoon is likely to hit early this year. If the forecast by Karnataka State Natural Disaster Monitoring Centre (KSNDMC) is anything to go by, monsoon will hit the state by May 29.
According to India Meteorological Department (IMD) officials, South West monsoon normally hits Kerala on June 1, and it takes another four to five days to reach interiors of Karnataka.
“But this time, early monsoon arrival is possible. Going by the cloud formation, wind flow and other symptoms, we believe monsoon will hit Karnataka by May 29,” said KSNDMC director Srinivas Reddy.
Also, unlike in 2016 when the state received 26 per cent deficit rainfall, good monsoon is in store this year.
“Between January 1 and May 9 this year, the state received 58 mm rainfall as against 63 mm normal. Pre-monsoon showers are not deficit, which is a good sign,” Reddy added.
While there has been 10 per cent excess rainfall in South Interior Karnataka this pre-monsoon, Malnad region received normal rainfall.
“Heavy pre-monsoon showers for three days from May 15 are expected to compensate for the rain deficit in North interior as well as coastal Karnataka,” Reddy said.
This year, IMD has predicted 95 per cent rain across the country, which is 5 per cent less than normal during monsoon.
“In Karnataka, we are anticipating either normal or close to normal rainfall. It will definitely  be better than previous years,” he added.
“In Karnataka, average rainfall of 875 mm between June 1 and October 1 is said to be normal. Even if it rains a little less as per the IMD prediction, uniform distribution throughout the monsoon will ensure that the farmers are not affected. Farmers can look to produce crops like red gram, paddy, maize, jowar, sunflower, groundnut and others,” said Prof M B Rajegowda, an agrometeorologist at the University of Agricultural Sciences (UAS).