Informations should not just be for the geographically, financially otherwise fortunate — for it is the unfortunate who need it most.

October 6, 2017

You can soon get flood alerts on phone

BENGALURU: Karnataka State Natural Disaster Monitoring Centre (KSNDMC) in association with Indian Institute of Science and IITs is developing ‘Urban Climate’, a hi-tech climate monitoring system that will give people real time data about rains and floods. Once the system, that is likely to be put in place in Bengaluru and other major cities within next three months, is operational, people can get information on their mobile phones and also through public display boards.

Scientists from US-based Purdue University are associated with the mega project which is funded by the Science and Technology Ministry.According to Srinivas Reddy, KSNDMC Director, they are developing sensors that will be put inside storm water drains. “With the help of water level in the drains, sensors will alert people residing in and around on flooding updates. We have been entrusted comprehensive development of technology exclusively for Bengaluru that will enable anybody to get data on any change in climate at their finger tips. This includes rain or cloud, flooding , thunder to lightning and many more,” he added.

“At present KSNDMC has 100 rain gauging equipment across Bengaluru. Now, we are focusing on high resolution technology that will give more accurate updates. Sometimes, we forecast heavy rain but that day it might not rain. With hi-tech and high resolution equipment, we will get a better picture,’’ he said.
Pointing out to the existing flood-prone areas, the director said they have identified 174 locations. “This was done based on 10m water level from ground. We now have an advanced technology which can give us data on flooding even if the waer level is only 2m,’’ he said.

The centre is also developing a mobile application to alert flooding to road users. “Like Ola and Uber, this mobile app will be GPS enabled. Like traffic alerts one can also see flooding alerts on the map. This will give alternative safer routes to the users,’’ Reddy said.About thunder and lightning, he said that sensors to alert that is also being developed.

Explaining further, Reddy said they are going to develop and implement the idea in Bengaluru and later another nine cities that are flood prone will be included. This includes Chennai, Mumbai, Hyderbad, Kolkata, Delhi, Surat and other major cities. “The real time update can also be put on the electronic board that can be installed in crowded area like bus station, railway station and market,’’ he said.